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తొలి ఏకాదశి విశేషాలు - Significance of Tholi Ekadashi or Sayana Ekadashi

తొలి ఏకాదశి విశేషాలు

ఆషాఢమాసంలోని పౌర్ణమిరోజుకు ముందు వచ్చే ఏకాదశిని తొలి ఏకాదశి అంటారు. ఈ తొలి ఏకాదశిని ఎంతో ఆధ్యాత్మికంగా ఒక పర్వదినంలా జరుపుకుంటారు. తొలి ఏకాదశిని ‘‘ఆషాఢ ఏకాదశి’’, ‘‘శయన ఏకాదశి’’ అనే పేర్లతో కూడా పేర్కొంటారు. హిందువుల సంప్రదాయాల ప్రకారం వచ్చే తిథుల్లో ఈ ఏకాదశి ఎంతో మంచిది. అందులో తొలి ఏకాదశిని ఎంతో పవిత్రంగా భావిస్తారు భక్తులు. ఎందుకంటే విష్ణుమూర్తిని కొలిచే విష్ణుభక్తులకు ఈ తొలిఏకాదశి రోజు ఎంత ప్రీతికరమైనది విశ్వసిస్తారు. అలాగే చాతుర్మాస్య వ్రతం కూడా ఈరోజు నుంచి అంటే తొలి ఏకాదశిరోజు నుంచి ప్రారంభమవుతుంది. అందువల్లే తొలి ఏకాదశిరోజుకు హిందువులు ఎంతో ప్రాధాన్యతను ఇస్తారు.

పురాణ కథనాల ప్రకారం విష్ణుమూర్తి క్షీరసాగరంలోని శేషతల్పం మీద హాయిగా నిద్రపోయి తొలిఏకాదశినాడు నిద్రను ఉపక్రమించాలని (నిద్రలేవడం) అనుకున్నాడట. అలా ఆ విధంగా పడుకున్న విష్ణుమూర్తి నాలుగు నెలల తరువాత వచ్చే ప్రబోధినీ ఏకాదశినాడు మేలుకున్నాడట. దాంతో ఈ నాలుగు నెలల్ని చాతుర్మాసాలుగా పేర్కొంటారు. తొలిఏకాదశి పండుగను కూడా సంక్రాంతి, దసరా లాంటి పెద్ద పండుగల్లాగే జరుపుకుని ఆరోజు ఉపవాసం వుంటారు.

ముఖ్యంగా ‘‘తొలిఏకాదశి’’ రైతులకు ఎంతో ఆధ్యాత్మికమైన పండుగ రోజు. ఈ పర్వదినంరోజు రైతులు తమ నాగలి, గునపము, ఇంకా మొదలైన పరికరాలకు పూజా కార్యక్రమాలను నిర్వహించుకుంటారు. వారు చేసుకునే పనులలో ఎటువంటి ఇబ్బందులు, సమస్యలు రాకుండా వుండటానికే, అలాగే అతివృష్టి, అనావృష్టి వంటి ప్రకృతి వైపరీత్యాలు చోటు చేసుకోకూడదని ఇలా ఈ విధంగా పూజలు చేస్తారు. ఇంతటి పవిత్రమైన రోజున ఏవైనా పనులు నిర్వహించుకుంటే అవి విజయవంతం అవుతాయని రైతులు, ఇతర చేతివృత్తులవారు ప్రగాఢంగా విశ్వసిస్తారు.

ఈ తొలిఏకాదశి పర్వదినంనాడు.. మొక్కజొక్క పేలాలను మెత్తగా దంచి, పొడిగా చేసుకుంటారు. అందులో నూరిన బెల్లంను కలిపి దేవుడికి నైవేద్యంగా సమర్పించుకుని, ప్రసాదంగా తీసుకుంటారు.

Tholi Ekadashi is the most auspicious festival of Hindus mainly the Vaishnavas who celebrate this day by keeping fast, praying and singing bhajans of Lord Vishnu on this day and also by the Hindu people all over the world. Hindu Gods one day is equal to Humans one year period. In that way the Deities one morning period = six months of our Daskshinayanam period and 1 night period = 6 months Uttarayana period, each half is equal to one complete day for Gods. During the Monsoon month, the first Ekadashi which falls in this month is known as “Tholi Ekadashi” or “Shayan Ekadashi” which marks the sleeping period of Deities (starts night for them) and the day when Lord Maha Vishnu falls asleep in Ksheersagar – cosmic ocean of milk – on Sheshanaga, the cosmic serpent and is seen in Shayan mudra for a period of four months.

According to Hindu Calendar, of all the 26 Ekadashi’s this Ekadashi is known as Tholi Ekadashi and is the day when the day time starts shortening and night time starts increasing.

This holy day is of special significance to Vaishnavas, the followers of Hindu preserver God Vishnu and is well mentioned in notes of Bhagavata Purana (sk. IX, adhy. 4) by Ambarisha, a devotee of Vishnu. It is observed on Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) in Ashadam Masam(June-July) known as Tholi Ekadashi when Lord Vishnu goes to sleep on this day and wakes up after four months on Prabodhini Ekadashi. Vishnu finally awakens from his slumber four months later on Prabodhini Ekadashi – eleventh day of bright fortnight in the Hindu month Kartik Masam (October–November) this period is known as “Chaturmas” (“four months”) which coincides with the rainy season. Thus,Tholi Ekadashi is the beginning of Chaturmas. Devotees start observing the Chaturmas Vrata (vow) to please Vishnu on this day.

Devshayani Ekadashi is highly special as indicated by its many names including Maha Ekadashi, Ashadi Ekadashi, Toli Ekadashi, Padma Ekadashi, Devpodhi Ekadashi and Hari Sayana Ekadasi. In the state of Maharashtra, this Ekadashi is popular in the name of Ashadi Ekadashi and the annual Padharpur Yatra or holy pilgrimage to the Padharpur temple comes to an end on this day. In the south, this day is identified as Toli Ekadashi. As per the popular custom in the Vaishnavite Mutts, the inmates wear heated seals on their bodies called as Tapta Mudra Dharana.

Why Devshayani Ekadashi is so popular ensues from the idea that Lord Vishnu chooses to go to a long sleep in the Ksheer Sagar (milky ocean) on this day. Therefore, this day is considered to be ideal to propitiate Lord Vishnu and Mata Mahalakshmi. Starting on this day, the sleep of the Lord called as Yoga NIdra stretches over four months called as Chaturmas. When the Lord wakes up after the sleep at the end of four months, the day is heralded as Prabodhini Ekadashi or Dev Uthani Ekadashi falling on the Karthika (October – November) month.

Significance of Ekadashi
The term Ekadashi literally means the eleventh day. In a typical lunar month of the Hindu calendar, two Ekadashis occur one during Shuklapaksha (waxing phase) and the other during Krishna Paksha (waning phase). Ekadashis are especially significant for the worship of Lord Vishnu and a large number of people regularly observe Ekadashi Vrat. Every Ekadashi is uniquely special in some way. Devshayani Ekadashi is the one that comes during the Shuklapaksha (waxing phase) in the month of Ashada (June-July). This is also called as Ashadi Ekadashi in the name of the month.

Ekadashi is known as Hari Vasara – “The Day of Sri Hari” which is observed on every 11th Tithi in Hindu calendar of Lunar Month. There are two Ekadashi fasting in a month, one during Shukla Paksha (bright half) and another during Krishna Paksha (dark half). Devotees of Lord Vishnu observe Ekadashi fasting to seek His blessings. A fast is to be observed on Ekadashi day by all Hindus. During Ekadashi, Nirjal fast (not having water) is ideal. However those unable to fast may take liquids. In accordance with the Hindu religion, the day of Ekadashi is considered to be religiously beneficial and considered to be the most auspicious among various fasts.

On this auspicious day of Tholi Ekadasi devotees woke up early in the morning and finish their regular activities does puja to the Lord and observe fast on whole day chanting the Lord Vishnu mantra’s like Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram, Vishnu Ashtotaram (108 names), Vishnu Sahasranamavali (1008 names), Govinda namalu, sing Anmacharya sankeertanas, study holy books like Ramayana, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Mahabharata, etc. There is a huge rush of Devotees seen in Temples on this day to worship Lord Vishnu and seek his blessings.

In Bhavishyottara Purana – God Shri Krishna narrates significance of Shayani Ekadashi to Yudhishthira, and also the creator – God Brahma narrated the significance to his son Narada.

Here is the story of the King Mandata and about the people of his Kingdom. Once upon a time the pious King’s country had faced drought for three years, but the King was unable to find a solution to please the rain gods. Finally, sage Angiras advised the King to observe the Vrata (vow) of Tholi Ekadashi or Dev-Shayani Ekadashi. On doing so by the grace of Vishnu, there was rain in the kingdom. Hence this day is marked very auspicious for Hindus mainly the Vaishnavas worshipping Lord Maha Vishnu who showers his blessing being in Shayan Mudra in Chaturmas.

According to Garuda Purana:
ekadazii vratam nityam tat kuryat paksayor dvayoh
aghaugha narakam hanyat sarvadam visnuloka dam

Meaning: Fasting on Ekadasi days (eleventh day) in both halves of the month when observed removes sins and wards off hell and enables one to attain Vishnuloka and gives everything desired in his life.

As this auspicious day is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, one can chant this powerful Vishnu mantra, a source of positive energy:

“Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”

The changes which are occurring in the monsoon period from this day marks the intake of Jonna Pelal pindi (millets) with Jaggery is taken as Prasadam, which is also considered good for health from the ancient times.

Breaking the Tholi Ekadashi Fast
The breaking of fast after Tholi Ekadashi is known as ‘Parana’. Ekadashi Parana is done after sunrise on next day of Ekadashi fast. It is necessary to do Parana within Dwadashi Tithi unless Dwadashi is over before sunrise. Not doing Parana within Dwadashi is similar to an offence.

Parana should not be done during Hari Vasara – “The Day of Sri Hari”. One should wait for Hari Vasara to get over before breaking the fast. Hari Vasara is first one fourth duration of Dwadashi Tithi. The most preferred time to break the fast is Pratahkal (Early Morning). One should avoid breaking the fast during Madhyahna (Afternoon). If due to some reasons one is not able to break the fast during Pratahkal then one should do it after Madhyahna.

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