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Basics Of Pooja And Its Meaning, And Process As Well As Pooja Room Vastu

Pooja room is a zone of serenity where we connect to the eternal energies – GOD, who bestows his presence within us to guide us to the right paths of our life. Placement of a Pooja room into our houses itself produces positive vibes in the atmosphere.
Certain rules which one must follow before the commencement of designing a pooja room are mentioned below.

The location of the Pooja room should always be in the North-East corner. It can also be in the North or East side of the house.
Never locate the Puja room in the south and the south-east, as these directions are ruled by Yama and Agni, respectively.
Pooja room should not be placed in the bedroom.
Pooja room should not be made above, below, adjacent or opposite to toilet.
Pooja room should also not be constructed next to the kitchen or located under a staircase. In case you do make the Puja space in the kitchen, keep the deity in such a way that you face east while praying.
Make the roof of the Puja room dome or pyramid-shaped. This facilitates smooth flow of positive energies from the tip to the dome or pyramid into the puja room. This shape also assists in meditation.
Ideally, the doors and windows of this room should open towards the east or north. These should be made of good quality wood and have double shutters.
The colors used in Pooja room should be very serene like white, soft shades of yellow, blue or violet.

Idols can be placed in the North-East, East or West of Pooja.

The height of idols should not be more than 18 inches and should always be placed on a high platform or singhasan..
Although north-east is generally the direction recommended for locating the idols or pictures of various Gods; yet different deities have different auspicious locations as described:
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Kartikeya, Indra and Surya are placed in the east and facing towards west.
Ganesh, Durga, Kuber, Shodas Matrika and Bhairav in the north direction and facing south.
Hanuman in the north-east facing south-west, but never in the south-east as it creates fire hazard.
While worshipping, the legs of the idol should be at the chest level of the person worshipping depending on the position, whether standing or sitting.
Nothing should be kept or stored above the cabinet or slab where the God’s idol is placed.
Never display photographs of the dead family members along with the deities.
Broken idols or torn pictures should not be placed in the Puja room
Idols should not be placed facing each other.
Idols should be placed at least a inch away from the wall.

The lamp should always be placed in front of the idol of God and Goddesses.

The lamp or deepak should be placed in the south-east direction, governed by Agni

All the things required in performing Puja should be placed in the South-East direction of the Puja Room.

Avoid a bell in the Puja room.

Never keep a dustbin in the Puja room, as the positive energy gets diminished due to the negative energies emitted by it.
One shall not enter the Pooja room for any purpose without washing his legs and hands. Cleaning the feet by rubbing them against each other is prohibited. The left hand must clean them and the water must be poured by the right hand. Reared side of the feet must always be cleaned first.
In Pooja room, copper vessels only shall be used particularly where water is collected.
Triangular place for any God should not be drawn in the Puja Room.

The Agnikund should be in the southeast direction of the worship room. The sacred offerings to the fire should be made with the face towards the east

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