Regulates blood pressure
According to research, coconut water helps improve blood circulation, lowers high blood pressure levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues. It is also said to control your blood sugar levels.
Help lose weight
If you are on a weight loss spree, coconut water should be a must-have in your diet chart. Low in fat, drinking this beverage can help one feel full and reduce cravings.
Increases immunity
Rich in nutrients and vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, thiamin and pyridoxine, and folates, coconut water has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that can help increase your body's immune system and fight viral infections like flu.
For pregnant women
Doctors often recommend coconut water during pregnancy as it helps fight constipation, heart burn and slow digestion.
Improves kidney function
Due to its minerals, potassium and magnesium content, coconut water is beneficial to a person suffering from any kidney disease. This water also acts as a diuretic and increases the flow and production of urine.
For your skin
If you have acne or pimple problems or want to retain its youthfulness, apply coconut water on your face and leave it overnight. Due to its repairing properties, it can even be applied to hands and nails.